Reporting a Family Member: YES OR NO?
I’ve had people reach out to me regarding CRUD ~ that has to deal with sexual abuse at the hands of their own fathers or
I’ve had people reach out to me regarding CRUD ~ that has to deal with sexual abuse at the hands of their own fathers or
I have clients who are rich, powerful and have everything money can buy. But they can’t have healthy relationships OR be intimate with their spouse…because they were hurt as a kid and never dealt with it. You know…that CRUD stuff.
Navigating this comment: “You talk a good game there, but why didn’t you run away? You could’ve told someone but you didn’t. Weak women continue to cry “rape and assault” or now the hype is…”Human Trafficking” but choose to go back or stay in the abuse.”
YAY! It’s YOU. Whew! You’re still hanging in there with me! This has been a hard one, right? Yep. For me, too. I’ve heard from many
**Potential TRIGGER WARNING and is for mature audiences – sexual abuse and Human Trafficking content.** “How much did those men pay for YOU, Sonya?”
**Potential TRIGGER WARNING and is for mature audiences-sexual abuse and Human Trafficking content.** “Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a