The Bullying Has Got To Stop!
“So why do you condemn another believer? Why do you look down on another believer? Remember, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. For the Scriptures say, “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will declare allegiance to God. ’” Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God. So let’s stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall.”
Romans 14:10-13
Hearing from MANY today who are being told they are “less than” and in some cases “WRONG” because they are doing things differently than others think they should.
Let me SHOUT this as LOUDLY as I can: (Yes, I’m screaming)
This is how brilliant Jesus Christ truly is. He designed relationship with Him to be INDIVIDUAL, PERSONAL. Not dependent on man or performance, but on His blood on the cross and the forgiveness of our sins. IF you and I have a personal, individual relationship with Jesus Christ, then we go to JESUS directly for ALL things in our lives. HE calls the shots. We obey. Period.
If I am doing what I was told to do by Jesus Christ, then you have NOTHING more of value to add. NOTHING. If what I am doing goes against the Word of God, then you in LOVE, may appeal to my heart in humility, grace and truth, not to shame me, guilt me or hurt me, but to restore me to JESUS.
We do not convict anyone. We do not save anyone.
Let’s say I’m out driving my car. You see me driving by and you say to yourself, “I don’t like what I’m seeing…”
You have a choice to make in that moment.
If I’m speeding towards a cliff at 90 mph, by all means…please try to stop me. But if all you have is an OPINION of how I’m driving, then please close your mouth and pray for me, instead!
Our tongue has the power to do many things. USE your weapon for GOOD.
1. Make sure you have the Lord’s permission.
2. Try to limit your interference to only when a “cliff” is confirmed.
3. Encouragement is ALWAYS right.
I promised not to reveal any one specific person’s crud today on social media and I’m keeping that promise. So, once again, I will volunteer as tribute.
Here’s some of my crud.
I’ve been told that I am ‘less than’ for speaking openly about my abuse. I’ve been chastised for WHAT I SHARE and HOW I share it. (Too much, too little, too silly, too serious, blah blah blah)I’ve been told that I am “wrong, selfish & in sin” as a wife and mother because I should be home with my kids and husband. (*Even though no one knows how much I’m home or not…) I’ve been shamed by women. Mostly Christian women for not being “woman” enough to be a wife and mom. *(What does that even mean?)
I could go on and on. As a Christian woman, I am called to follow Jesus. I do the best I can. I sacrifice when He tells me to. I go without when He tells me to. I go when He tells me to go. I cheer, I share, I pray, I sit and be still…when He tells me to.
I beat myself up WAY MORE than YOU EVER could. That’s my crud. Jesus and I deal with it as it comes for as long as it takes. I forgive those that hurt me. I forgive myself. And before you ask…I am FINE! I’ve been dealing with bullying my entire life. If I didn’t have the confidence that Jesus has given me to DO THIS…I would have quit a LONG time ago.
The ones I talk to feel exactly the same way. They are trying to do what Jesus has called them to do. It might not be the way that YOU do it. SO WHAT?
May we all get on our face before a Holy God and repent of any and all things that we have DONE to others because of our own insecurities, skewed versions of the Word and our JEALOUSY of others.
One Response
Great post. Helpful. Thank you!!!