“Sonya leads us into God’s presence and shows us how to truly let go and have full abandonment in our worship! Then as our hearts soften and focus on Him, we can listen to what Christ is telling us to do and we can rest in Him.”
“Sonya invites the Spirit of an authentic intimate time with Jesus and you’re not worrying about anything else going on around you – it’s just you and God. I like the freedom of it. Two words for a worship experience with Sonya Brunner would be Total Freedom!!”
“Sonya shares her heart every time she speaks. Her message is one of hope, grace, forgiveness and victory. Sonya pushes us all to not shrink back but to do the hard work by dealing with our hurt and pain and then living our lives in such a way that all will be drawn to the Jesus we love. Painfully honest at her own expense, vulnerable, encouraging, powerful and no-holds barred, Sonya bares her soul so that others can know Jesus.”
“When Sonya speaks, she shows us and teaches us that NO ONE has their act together. It’s okay to admit it. Sometimes the church puts an emphasis on how its all got to be okay or perfect. We will make mistakes. God still loves us and is with us even in our yucky times. Sonya says, “It’s okay to be real. An authentic relationship with a Holy God DEMANDS that we admit it. Anything other than total dependence on Jesus is a lie!” I’ve learned that from Sonya Brunner.”
“When I hear Sonya sing, there’s a freedom coming from her to share her life through song. It opens up the room to the work of the Holy Spirit who anoints her music to touch the places in our hearts that need touched. I always feel Gods presence when Sonya sings.”
“I am thankful for Sonya Brunner following the Lord. Her words and music have blessed me, helped me through hard times, and helped me smile in all times. Her music is healing and her words of encouragement are priceless. Sonya, thank you for sharing your life journey with us!”